S03 Movement/F03 Negotiations Day 1

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Ugh. While England did move away, except for the English Channel, and while Germany moved back to Ruhr, I lost Spain to Italy. What was up with that? Apparently, while I was asleep, Italy sent me this press:

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He changed the plan and did not get an okay from me. It’s like I’m Billy Batts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bU1Z_2fAXcU. Italy then doubles down and starts blaming me for my moves:

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This guy’s acting like I’m the one who did something wrong here. He then writes a 1000 or more words at me. Long story short, he assures me he is moving to Portugal. The next day would be spent trying to figure out what to do in this spot.


F03 Negotiations Day 2


S03 Negotiations