S04 Movement/F04 Negotiations
For Germany and myself, that went great. Not so much for Italy, who lost Greece and, unless he gets another dot, will be forced to disband. Italy starts off with joint press to FG.
Austria then writes Germany and myself to quickly inform us of the obvious, Italy may stab for a dot.
I write to Russia to explain my earlier deception.
I then reach out to Germany. My priority here is to try and get him a fleet build. I don’t want Italy attacking him. But, if I happened to take Belgium, it wouldn’t be bad, either.
So, I enter the support order for Belgium. Meanwhile, predictably, Italy begins to see how dire his spot really is. His press is super long, and I won’t quote it here, but he’s getting desperate.
Meanwhile, I ping Russia to give him my thoughts on what he should do. Perhaps this can help…
Let’s see if there’s any response…