Chapter 15: What Am I Doing?

Seasons Covered: Fall 1905 / Winter 1905

Spring 1905

Spring 1905

I awaken from my sleep trying to determine what exactly I can do to get out of this.  I try and convince myself that I can take Denmark back, but I fail. France immediately calls me out on my “Vote the Moves” strategy:

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I know it's a bad idea but I write the following to all the players.

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Yes, you read that correctly. I resorted to potty humor. How bleak can things be? France immediately responds with approval.

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I then ping Germany to see if there’s any way I can work with him. First, I had to address his comment (also produced in the prior chapter), about me supposedly bad-mouthing him in press.

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Turkey thinks Germany should give me Belgium.

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Germany is not giving up. He pings me again.

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I then reach out to Russia, but he’s angry and lashes out at me. Childishly, I respond by taunting him.

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This is a mess of my own doing, and I'm not going to be able to do anything about it. Russia and I are enemies. France and I chat, but ultimately we don’t trust each other.

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So, with nothing much to do, I try to put some pressure on @Ajax to post the PROTECT Act.

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I then become so happy, because @Ajax posts the PROTECT Act! I have done it. I broke the Fourth Wall! I immediately gloat:

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Now, nothing can stand in my way. I’ve taken down Discord commenter @Enriador. I now set my sights on taking down @Milkman, now known as @Audacioushand, a few pegs. More craziness:

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No likes.  Anyway, my humor has worn thin.  “Steve” posts the COMMENT Act on Discord, and I was appreciative of the responses. I make sure to tell the other players I am undeterred.

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I enter orders trying to take back Denmark, but it's probably futile. So, I write to Germany to see if there’s anything we can do together.

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Oh well. Austria throws me a life line.

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Sigh. Let’s see how those moves went.

Fall 1905

Fall 1905

Everyone still moves against me.  I take nothing; they increase their position.  Bummer. Now, I am going to have to disband something.  No matter what, I can’t help Russia.

Meanwhile, Austria reaches out in this low moment:

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I make a stab at getting Russia on my side by writing him a heartfelt press:

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It’s time to see if I can really work with Germany:

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Austria then reaches out again. He’s worried about me, as well as me throwing to France.

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I showed it to my wife, so she could understand why I had been so irritable that day.  I had been harsh with everyone inside and outside the game, and that's just not me.  I write him back telling him how much that post meant to me. 

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I wrote that and still may think I'm being played by Austria.  God this game is tough.  

I then triple down on all this madness, and I make a post called “Being France Malkovich”

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France reaches out to me and I try to work up some good vibes with him, assuming that’s even possible.

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Turkey and I now begin to communicate a lot with each other, and I feel a budding friendship in the air, although I am wary of this master player:

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I decide to turn to Germany armed with Turkey’s hint that Germany may work with me.

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I disband Heligoland Bight instead of English Channel.  I feel weak, but here’s how it worked out.

Winter 1905

Winter 1905


Chapter 16: Struggling To Survive


Chapter 14: Charles’ Law